Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Blog post

I have found a nice post on http://tsunamiofblood.squarespace.com/journal/2006/8/29/news-flash-august-29-2006.html

I have included a comment that I'm copying here now:

Everything that the american administration is doing is worsening its situation vis-a-vis the Muslim world. And favoring Israel in all UN resolutions (among other things) is not helping at all. What are they expecting the Arab world to do? What are they expecting the palestinians to do? What are they expecting Iraqis to do? Just sit there and watch them destroy their lives? That won't happen, that will never happen.
Look at Iraq! Democracy they said...they have civil war now, how nice! Great job Mr. Bush, you destroyed one of the oldest and most prestigious civilizations ever. Or maybe was it intentional after all, to erase the whole civilization?Look at Israel...self-defence my a**. They can destroy whatever they want and nobody makes a move, they can emprison 10,000 people and no one makes a move, but everybody rushes when Hezbollah kidnaps two soldiers...not even civilians, while Israel kills civilians every day in the occupied territories. Yes, EVERY DAY.
Regular violations of lebanese airspace and nobody moves. But 2 soldiers are too much, right? they have to defend themselves and destroy all the bridges in Lebanon and 90% of the industry. How nice indeed.
Lebanon was being bombed and destroyed and nobody moved..and suddenly everybody wanted a UN resolution and a cease-fire. Did anyone every wonder why this sudden rush? I say because Israel was getting his a** kicked on the ground and couldn't handle it anymore. I have heard stories of Israeli soldiers screaming like women in fights with Hezbollah.
Cowards. Big deal pushing a button when they are in their american-made F16s. But down on the ground, their value is zero. With all their planes, helicopters, artillery and tanks, they couldn't advance more than 2 miles inside lebanese territory in some places. And for those who like the "strategic redeployment of troops" understand finally that it means "we are getting our a** kicked and have to retreat."

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